National Marine Fisheries Research Institute
- International cooperation coordinated by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) is crucial for the scientific research performed at the NMFRI.
- Another important aspect of the Institute’s research is the National Program for Collection of Fisheries Data (NPCFD) within the European Union Data Collection Framework (DCF) This is an element of Poland’s implementation of the EU Common Fisheries Policy
- The director of the NMFRI is also a member of the European Fisheries and Aquaculture Organization (EFARO)
- We cooperate also with HELCOM, the Baltic Sea Advisory Council BSAC, the National Centre for for Research and Development, National Science Centre, Chief Inspectorate Of Environmental Protection in Poland.
The National Marine Fisheries Research Institute (NMFRI) is the oldest marine science centre in Poland. The NMFRI mission is to advance the capacity of science to provide advice on human activities affecting and affected by marine ecosystem and to foster public awareness of wide-ranging topics related to the sustainable utilization of marine ecosystems and natural resources as well as the quality of seafood.
We aim to provide independent, objective and current knowledge based on conducted scientific research and development studies, supporting economically sustainable and environmentally sound development of sea fisheries.
The mission is realized through the following activities:
- providing scientific advice to the Polish fisheries administration, the EU Commission, and relevant international organizations;
- performing and promoting fisheries, biological, and interdisciplinary research of the marine environment;
- performing and promoting research in the field of processing technology, marine foodstuff safety and nutritional value, as well as fisheries economics;
- fostering public awareness of the functioning and rational utilization of marine ecosystems with special emphasis on sustainable fisheries management.
The Institute is responsible for performing research and scientific advice in the field of safe and sustainable exploitation of renewable marine resources (including research into the state of renewable resources, exploitation intensity, management/protection plans).
In order to meet these obligations, the Institute also conducts research on:
the state and functioning of marine ecosystems
the environmental impact assessment
food quality and safety
processing technology
the economic condition of the fishing and processing sector
blue growth
development plans
The NMFRI has five scientific departments of Fisheries Resources, Fisheries Oceanography and Marine Ecology, Fisheries Economics, Processing Technology and Mechanization, Food and Environmental Chemistry. Research works are performed in chemical, technological and hydrobiological laboratories, as well as using the R/V Baltica research vessel.
In December 2016 the Institute received the “HR Excellence in Research” logo awarded by the European Commission, i.e. is a quality label awarded by the European Commission to institutions which implement the principles of creating friendly working and career development conditions, as well as transparent processes for the recruitment of researchers.
Based on the results of a complex assessment of scientific as well as research and development activities of scientific units which was conducted by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in 2017, the NMFRI received category A in the so-called heterogeneous research units group.
The NMFRI is supervised by the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation.
The Institute employs 227 people, among which 96 are involved in research and development activities, while 26 persons hold scientific positions.